Michael Durrant

Michael Durrant is a PhD candidate in Performance Science at the Royal College of Music (RCM) and a London Arts and Humanities Partnership (LAHP) Doctoral Studentship Holder supported by the RCM. Michael’s research focuses on the health and wellbeing of performers, interdisciplinary exchange across domains, and health promotion in higher music education. Michael is the recipient of an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded LAHP Collaborative Doctoral Award supported by the British Association for Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM).

Michael received a masters’ studentship from the AHRC to undertake an MSc in Performance Science at the RCM between 2017-18, graduating with distinction in 2019. Throughout his MSc studies, Michael conducted research focused on interdisciplinary learning and knowledge exchange across domains, assessing the preparation and delivery of optimal performance under pressure by evaluating the entrepreneurial business pitch as a performance alongside the professional classical music audition.

Michael’s doctoral research focuses on the health and wellbeing of performers across domains, and health promotion in higher music education. By assessing the current state of the field, this research seeks to provide valuable insight into how performing artists can nurture their health and wellbeing and effectively manage the unique challenges that they face. Working closely with BAPAM and the Healthy Conservatoires Network (HCN), Michael’s research is at the cutting edge of the field of performer’s health and wellbeing.

Faculties / departments: Research


Research areas

Performance Science

Health and Wellbeing


Research supervisors

Aaron Williamon

Terry Clark


Latest Publications


For enquiries please contact:

Michael Durrant

Doctoral Student



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