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Nicholas Sears
Audrey Hyland
Joyce Fieldsend
Professor Janis Kelly
Brindley Sherratt
Nicky Spence
Edith Wiens
Patricia Bardon
Graeme Broadbent
Sally Burgess
Dame Sarah Connolly
Roderick Earle
Tim Evans-Jones
Dinah Harris
Ben Johnson
Justin Lavender
Jonathan Lemalu
Rosa Mannion
Amanda Roocroft
Patricia Rozario
Peter Savidge
Russell Smythe
Jeffrey Stewart
Mark Tucker
Veronica Veysey Campbell
Miranda Wright
Caroline Dowdle
Simon Lepper
Gary Matthewman
Jo Ramadan
Andrew Robinson
Stephen Varcoe
Roger Vignoles
Seb Wybrew
Matteo Dalle Fratte
Patrizia Dina
Christine Legge
Johanna Mayr
Norbert Meyn
Sonja Nerdrum
Hildburg Williams
Richard Jackson
Jonathan Kenny
Desirée Kongerød
Royal College of Music
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BS
United Kingdom
Registered charity No. 309268
+44 (0)20 7591 4300
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